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We Can Only Marvel At What The Future Holds

Industry news

So unless you have been living under a rock, or you avoid all forms of advertising, you probably know Avengers: Age of Ultron drops in Cinemas across the UK later this month. The latest instalment of the Marvel Studios blockbuster will see the heroes once again team up this time to take down a runaway artificial intelligence, Ultron.

In advance of the day, your children (and geeks across the world like me) have been waiting for the final trailer which arrived this week. After many (many) viewings and half a day spent dreaming about how brilliant the film is DEFINITELY going to be, someone reminded me I was meant to be working.

When I (eventually) got back to work I found myself in a conversation with a Technician about how quickly technology was advancing in cars and recent news about the number of jobs the growth of driverless cars would bring about.

So are automated cars driving us around the beginning of the road (forgive the pun) to a Super-villain A.I. that will fight Earth’s mightiest heroes? Do we want this? Let’s look at the for and against on Driverless cars;


I have enough trouble arguing with my phone, my iPad when they struggle to understand me or decide to be awkward, or my sat nav getting all bossy and questioning my sense of direction let alone my car thinking it knows better.

Ok so this might be controversial but I am not a fan of Knight Rider. We get it KITT you’re smarter and all around better than all the other cars but I don’t want my car getting all sarcastic with me. Seriously though, although there are claims driverless cars could potentially radically cut down on the road accidents what happens when there is an accident from an insurance standpoint, especially if it results in injuries or worse? Do you claim against KITT, Knight Industries or Hasselhoff? Most importantly though, you don’t hassle the Hoff KITT, YOU DON’T HASSLE THE HOFF.

People don’t need another excuse for getting lost or driving into rivers. I can’t count the number of stories I’ve heard about idiots who followed their sat navs into ditches, rivers, walls or building sites. Now they are going to be able to blame it all on their car rather than their own incompetence as a human person?


Ask anyone who knows me, outside of work I can be a VERY lazy person so anything that is going to do another job so I don’t have to gets the thumbs up from me!

Hands up anyone who has got lost on the spaghetti junction around Birmingham. If driverless cars can negotiate the trickeries of the M6 without getting lost or in accidents then sign me up.

All joking aside this is an incredible step towards the future technologically and it could potentially bring over 300,000 jobs to the UK - that is a massive tick in the 'for column'.

So what do you think? Are you sceptical about what driverless cars will bring to us as a society? Are you excited about living in the world of tomorrow? Most importantly, how spectacular is Avengers going to be?!