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And The Winner Of The Motor Trader Employer Of The Year 2016 Is.....

Industry news, Our news

So your staff love you?
Does everyone want to work for you?
You are the best Manager in the World and you have the cup on your desk to prove it?

Perfect Placement is proud to sponsor the Motor Trader Employer of the Year Award for the Third Year running.

This is an important category which acknowledges and rewards the best employer in the automotive community.

This award adds kudos to the recipient’s attraction as an employer and has become a much-coveted award within the trade.

In the current marketplace finding the right candidate is becoming ever tougher, as such, the attractiveness of the company where they can flourish is of paramount importance.

We know that candidates don’t look only at pound notes, and take care in choosing their next employer, they will be looking at the Management Style, opportunities for development, promotion and support; as well as team dynamics and reward systems for success.

Whilst we recognise that great pay and flexible hours can make one job sound better than another, they do not make a job excellent.

Nor is a job, a career!

To win this award the judges looks at the company’s back-up, training, development and camaraderie that are developed through its core values that make their employees feel genuinely valued and happy.

Enter today [here] and we could be saying “Congratulations” to you; our eventual winner, on July 13th 2016!