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Can You Get A Pokemon To Work For You In Your Motor Trade Business?

Industry news

Don’t we live in a strange world? A month ago the country was being all grown up, we were having raucous debates with friends, family and colleagues about the why’s and why not’s of European integration.

To a person, we had a view, well 33.5 million of us anyway. We made for whatever reason, an adult decision to leave the EU. Even those who didn’t vote, the 27.8% of the electorate, may have made an adult decision not to vote.

Roll on three weeks and it seems everyone is chasing an apocryphal cartoon character, in a statement of fun, joviality and light-heartedness. The craze, born from the Nintendo hit game has had seemingly normal people traipsing around city parks, abandoning trains (at the wrong station) and turning up in generally weird and wonderful places looking for little green men!

A thought struck me today, could we not use this Pokémon trend and new found enthusiasm for some good? How tough would it be to get a Pokémon to work for your motor trade business, from a main car dealership to an automotive repair centre?

I’m not for one second suggesting getting a member of staff at your car dealership to dress up as a Pokémon, although this is not wholly a bad idea, I’m thinking of some ‘on-trend’ advertising.

You know, Bulbasaur standing next to your newest car, on the showroom floor, you know the one, the manufacturer suggested you get one in the dealership to put your business on the map, but thus far no-one has even peered in the window.

 Perhaps, rename your receptionist Wartorle or Kakuna for a week and see if the Pokémon rumour-mill brings people to your automotive business?

Let’s be frank, this is not a kids game gone mad, despite my own thoughts, this seems to be a children’s game played by adults, and adults buy cars!! Just a thought!