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The Benefits of Online Training

Job seeker advice

With 1 in 5 British employees now on furlough, around 6.3million people now have much more time on their hands. However, the lockdown rules are preventing most of us from doing the things we’d normally do to keep busy such as socialising with friends and family and visiting different places.

A great way to keep busy and to keep the mind ticking over is to use this time to invest in some online training.

Here are the top 5 benefits of doing so:

Help create routine

Work gives us a daily routine and believe it or not, having a routine plays a big part in how we feel about ourselves. It gives us structure and enables us to work with a sense of purpose. For many people this has been lost since becoming furloughed and with limited things to do it can be hard to re-establish a sense of routine. Dedicating some time to do an online course will help add structure to your days and weeks based on the amount of time you are prepared to commit.


Motivation and routine are closely connected. Without a routine its easy to feel lost, demotivated and negative. Having something to focus on such as an online training programme will help to boost those motivation levels. With so many options to choose from you can be in control of your own learning, whether that’s developing a skill related to your job or a job you strive to be in in the future. This is the time to think about your ambitions and put in the work to get there.


Depending on your circumstances it may not be possible to spend hours each day training online. Fortunately, most courses are completely flexible. They can be broken down into bitesize chunks and completed in your own time so whether you’re trying to home school children, or you volunteer, you can work around your commitments and still enhance your skills.

Personal Development

Personal development is important no matter what stage of your career and this is a great opportunity to invest in it. Learning different skills and broadening your knowledge will not only make you a better employee, they can help you to determine what it is you really want. From here you can focus on your long-term goals and how you can achieve them.


There are hundreds of free resources and course providers online so do your research and find what’s best for you. Many of the paid for courses have offers on at this time to encourage people to take them so keep an eye out. Some employers may be prepared to subsidise their employees learning as it’s valuable to them. Remember: you can’t put a price on your future!

Utilising this down time to widen your knowledge is a fantastic way to keep busy, broaden your skills and stay motivated. It might even lead you to realising some new goals!

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