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Changing Careers Successfully

Job seeker advice

It’s reported that almost two thirds of the UK workforce want to change their career path but believe they’re too old to do so.

It’s sad to think that so many people let fear hold them back from pursuing a change in career and raises questions over just how happy these people are in their jobs, always wondering what if?

We spend a third of our adult lives in work so you owe it to yourself to find a career that gives you job satisfaction but as with any change in job, there are some considerations to make before you take the plunge.

Follow our tips to ensure you give yourself the best chance of a successful career change.

Be honest with Yourself

If you didn’t have any worries about your next move and you didn’t have any self-doubt about your capabilities, what would you want to do? This is the question you need to ask yourself and you need to be as honest as you can with yourself when you answer it, otherwise you’ll make compromises, influenced by your fears or insecurities instead of following your gut. Changing careers is not an easy thing to do so, if you’re not totally honest with yourself when making this decision its more likely that you’ll be back to square one again in a few years’ time.

Evaluate your skills

Embarking on a new career path means you may not have the typical skills or experience specified by employers on a job description. In order to overcome this, spend some time evaluating your strengths and your transferrable skills as these will be important when it comes to presenting yourself to future employers. This exercise is also the perfect opportunity to identify what it is that you want from a future employer. Do you value work life balance, a specific location, opportunities to travel or work place perks. Make a list and prioritise what you value the most.

Network with People in your Fields of Interest

At this stage you may have a number of sectors or industries you’d like to explore and that’s okay. The next step is to connect with people who are currently working in your fields of interest and explore them further. Draw upon your existing network and use professional networks such as LinkedIn to make contact and ask for a confidential conversation about your interest in their field. If possible, arrange a meeting or a phone call in which you can gather more information about how they got into their line of work as well as the pros and cons. This is a great exercise for making an informed decision about your next steps as well as building relationships with people who may be able to help in the future.

Narrow down your Job Search

Now that you have more information, you are in a stronger position to start considering your options more carefully. You can begin ruling some options out based on your research and your gut instincts and now start focussing your job search. When carrying out your job search consider the requirements for the different roles and sectors you are looking at. You may have the transferable skills but if they require a specific degree or a tailored qualification you’ll need to decide whether you want to invest in expanding your learning. You’ll also need to tailor your CV to the jobs you are applying for so having a narrower search will enable you to this more easily.

Learn New Skills

As mentioned, some roles might require specific qualifications for example you couldn’t transfer your skills as an office administrator to a vehicle mechanic without undertaking the required training. However, don’t be put off by this, remember that it’s never too late to retrain and that you are investing in your happiness. Depending on your career move your transferrable skills may be sufficient enough to be hired and take on some internal training. There are also many online courses that may help you secure the job you want but be sure to find accredited courses otherwise they may not be recognised by the employer.

Enlist the Help of Others

There’s a lot to consider when making a career change and at times, it can be stressful. This is where self-doubt can creep in and prevent you from pursuing your ambitions. Getting support from others is a great way to keep you on track whether it be speaking to friends and family or enlisting the help of career experts. Sharing your concerns and seeking out advice is important when making any big decision so don’t be afraid to reach out. It can also be useful to enlist the help of a professional recruiter once you’ve made a clearer decision on the types of roles you’re interested in. They can advise you on whether you’ll need any additional qualifications as well as putting you in touch with their clients who may not be publically advertising roles.

So, whether you have a burning desire to fulfil a specific career ambition or you want a complete change to what you’re currently doing, don’t be afraid to go for it!

If you can relate to this article and require the expertise of a friendly and professional team of Automotive Recruiters, look no further. Perfect Placement is passionate about finding people their dream job so get in touch today for a confidential discussion about your career path.

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