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Keeping Mentally Active During Self-isolation

Industry news

As the measures enforced by the UK Government to tackle Covid-19 have become stricter and more widespread, many businesses have been able to adapt to enable staff to work from home. However, in many sectors and certain job roles, including lots of those in the Automotive industry, working from home isn’t feasible.

Mechanics, Paint Sprayers, Estimators and Tyre Technicians are just a few of the many employees within the Motor Trade who are temporarily unable to work since the UK government has closed all non-essential business operations down.

This will undoubtedly be a challenging time, particularly for those people who are not working but there are lots of ways to keep mentally active throughout this lock down period which will not only lift your mood, but will ensure you’re ready to reignite your career once it’s over.

Establish a routine

Having a routine is key to keeping positive, without one, this period of isolation will seem endless. So, try and wake up at the same time, stick to normal eating times and where possible, plan for the day ahead even if it’s with very simple things.

Check in (remotely) with friends and family

Keeping in contact with your friends and relatives over the phone or video call is a great way to maintain some form of human interaction. There are lots of apps that enable you to play quizzes and games with lots of people at the same time so you can still have fun and talk about something other than what’s going on at the moment.

Keep physically active

Keeping physically active is good for the mind and can be one of the main elements to your daily plan. At the moment, the Government’s advice is that people are allowed to go for 1 walk or run per day as long as they keep away from crowds and maintain a 2-meter distance. If running is not for you, why not use your garden or even your front room! There are thousands of tutorials online to get ideas and motivation from so be inventive and committed when it comes to exercise.

Review your CV

We are all guilty of putting off updating our CV but with the extra time on your hands this is the perfect opportunity to ensure it is formatted correctly and is up to date with your work history. This is particularly important if your job is not secure in the current climate. We have lots of advice on writing a strong CV on our website so checkout our blog section.

Do an online course

Self-development is always a good idea, but we often don’t have the time to study. This is the perfect opportunity to learn something new or enhance your skills from the comfort of your own home. There are so many options when it comes to online courses ranging from management skills, computer skills, coding, negotiation and more. Do some research and choose something that you are interested in and will help further your career in the long term. 

Read more

Switch off the rolling news, put your phone to one side and pick up a book. Switch up what you’d normally read and try something new. This is a great way to pass the time that doesn’t involve a screen. There are also lots of self help and personal development books which can shine a light on your own goals and future objectives.

Learn about yourself

Having this additional time on your hands is the perfect opportunity to evaluate your situation and understand what makes you tick. Maybe there are goals you had wanted to achieve which you’ve been putting off or skills you wanted to learn but work has got in the way. Use this time to take stock, think about where you are in your life plan and where you want to be. You can then start putting targets in place to ensure you get there.

If your circumstances have changed and you are now seeking a new opportunity our team  are just a phone call away. Get in touch today by calling  01603 701 077 .