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How Not to Write a CV

Job seeker advice

With the amount of CVs recruiters read through on an average day it is essential that your CV is easily accessible and gives relevant information about you and what you do. The last thing you want your CV to do is to be hard work to read through for recruiters and potential employers, so here is what not to do:

Lie on your CV - You WILL be caught out!

 Use bad spelling and grammar - If you can’t spell your job title, this isn’t going to make you look like a promising person to employ. Using Spell Check is important, but do not rely just on that; re reading your CV is so important. If you struggle with spelling or grammar, ask someone else to proof-read it for you.

Use massively long sentences with loads of entirely unnecessary words that make trying to find out the actual meaning of what you’re trying to get across arduous work for anyone reading your CV because then something important might be missed. Be precise!

Use WordArt, ClipArt or fancy lettering - This will not add to your CV in any positive way. When we as a company send over CVs to our clients we put all CVs into a standardised template, so all the time you spent on decorating was utterly wasted!

Go into too much detail about your hobbies - Just a short, precise list will do just fine. Your next employer doesn’t need to know the name of each of your pets.

Don’t use your personal email address of hotstuff69@...  It makes you look unprofessional. It’s easy to create a new email address if you don’t already have a professional one. Just stick to your name, maybe with a number.

Use generic phrases/ language just because you think you should - An excellent example of this is “I work well in a team or individually”. This phrase is completely overused and doesn’t tell your future employer anything of any relevance. Use a precise example instead: “working as part of a team of bodyshop technicians we successfully restored a classic car of which I was personally responsible for the electrics.”

The main thing to keep in mind when writing your CV is: “is this information relevant to the job I want and is this something my future employer needs to know?”

Now you know how not to write a CV, here is how to write a CV.